Hinton’s New York Series is his first collection of work since relocating from Australia to the United States. The body of work comprises of dozens of fieldwork sketches, mixed media drawings and large-scale paintings based on New York City’s streets and sidewalks.
The montage-like compositions are restless expressions on the overstimulating and abrasive experience of the American city. Architectural motifs, monuments, barricades, cop cars, flags, figures, trash and rats are strewn together amid layers of rapid line work. Elements of the city brush up against and overlap one another, interrupting attempts to navigate through the objects, symbols and shapes. These recurring features have been carved out by blankets of color that create looming structures in space, affording tension between respite and noise.

Right This Way
oil, spraypaint, airbrush and acrylic on canvas
72" x 52"

East 17th St & Broadway
oil, spraypaint, airbrush and acrylic on canvas
78" x 56"

Street Ballers
oil, spraypaint, airbrush and acrylic on canvas
84" x 60"

Madison Square Garden
oil, spraypaint, airbrush and acrylic on canvas
78" x 56"

ink, airbrush and acrylic on canvas
78” x 54”

The Statue of Liberty
oil, oil-based enamel spray paint and acrylic on canvas
78” x 54”

E 17th Street (Manhattan)
acrylic and ink on paper
24" x 18"

Midtown (Manhattan)
acrylic, ink and pencil on paper
8" x 12"

Flying Monkey Gargoyle
acrylic and pencil on paper
12" x 14"

ink and acrylic on paper
18" x 24"

Layafette & Wanamaker Street
ink, pencil, pen and whiteout on paper
12" x 9"

W 19th St Sidewalk
pen on paper
12" x 9"

E 8th St & 4th Av
ink, pencil and pen on paper
9" x 12"